Dual layer MD5 Hashing: Keep your online passwords safe!
Note: You can download my free String-to-hash converter that securely deals with passwords and converts them to MD5. It stores the string you provide in your desktop in a text file. DON'T convert your password to MD5 online, they add it to their databases. This software by me doesn't do that and it stores in your computer. If you need source code, you may drop in a comment here and I'll mail it to you. Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/?d8d91fp8m927lt1 In this world of today each and every software/website gets hacked one fine day, and we are left in tatters. Especially when the site is some banking or online shopping genre. Of course, it is natural for us to be so and we don't want anyone to be peeping in our financial activity in our day to day life. With recent reports of eBay, one of the biggest online retails of the world being hacked ( READ: Reuters Article on eBay hack ), many are scrambling now to change their passwords at the last moment. I, too h...