
Showing posts from August, 2013

The Memories

Days pass by. Time waits for none. These are so common words. But, have you ever tried to decrypt it's meaning? Days pass by so calmly, so quietly. I just stare back at the days. Days littered with sprinkles of gold, days filled with mists of happiness, and days that shook me from within. I'm just looking at the "Timeline" of my small life, watching the moments of joy. You know what, they come in small numbers. Ask God, and he'll reply back, "Oh dear, happiness and sadness is equally balanced". Balanced. Oh no, the monotonous word, "Balance" that I'm fed up of. When you're in high school, everything around seems to come to a screeching halt, and the only one still efficiently carrying out tasks will be YOU. Yes, you! Look, all these days, in junior section, you have got 85% and above-sort-of marks. Your ribs crack down when you get your terminal sheets in your hand, maybe obtaining a mere 50 outt'a the traditional 80 marks. ...