The New policies: Acceptable, or not?
Joint Admission Board (JAB) of IIT Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced)-2013 met on August 27, 2012 at IIT Delhi to discuss the forthcoming admission. The admission to the undergraduate programmes at the 16 IITs and ISMU, Dhanbad for the year 2013 will be based on a two-tier test. The first test called the JEE (Main), will be held during the month of April, 2013 (both offline and online). This test will be conducted by CBSE. The second test, called the JEE (Advanced), will be held on June 2, 2013 (only offline). Only 1,50,000 of the top rankers in JEE(Main), which includes students from all categories (GE,OBC(NCL), SC and ST ) will be eligible to appear in JEE(Advanced).
The JEE - 2013 will have two objective type papers. Each paper will consist of Physics (the most difficult), Chemistry (Balance it, otherwise trouble!) and Mathematics (Will take the crap sweat out of your life!!!) Duration of each paper will be 3-hours. Question papers will be in both English and Hindi. Admissions to IITs will be based only on category wise All India Rank (AIR) in JEE(Advanced) subject to the condition that such candidates are in the top 20 percentile of successful candidates of their Boards in applicable categories.
However, even the admission to these are a no-easy thing. Getting hands on the JEE is like remote-controlling a Boeing 747 carrier. And worse, prices of the admission forms get higher and higher every month! Even if you clear JEE, you may not have a change to get into IIT's.
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