Enough of IIT's: Let's speak about the system!

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Okay guys. Yes, it was true, I made much fuss about IIT's: Let's speak of the education system in India. Here I refer to the English medium schools, I really don't have a knowledge about all those regional schools. Basically as per my experience I have been working with the Wikimedia Foundation, a regional director for planning. Henceforth, my job is to visit schools, learn about them, and make then understand how to harness the power of the Internet.

I have seen schools- small or giant size-and noticed a point: All the schools have more or less the same syllabus (ICSE or CBSE, not the regional ones, again) but the main difference- the categories of exams, or too frequent exams. Let me tell you what I try to mean.

Too many exams create a lot of pressure on the Indian students, perhaps the most in the world. However, though many pass, some fails. But they don't understand the failing in a subject is not all. They may fail to achieve a good rank in the terminal exams- but that means you have yet another chance to rectify yourself. If a person gets 100/100 every time; he/she won't be concerned for their studies because they'll think that they know everything. And that's what kills. Try and try, chance comes. Life is a random chance, after all.

       Life doesn't end so quick, dear!

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