Sparks: Without them, one is dead.

So, what are exactly sparks? They are the original electrons in you that motivate you to do something good. You gain sparks in a lot of ways, and similarly you lose it, too. Sparks give energy to your life. The more you have, the better it is.

The first and the foremost way to gain sparks is utilization of time. Let me give you a good example of this.
Imagine a bank which, everyday, adds up $86,400 to your bank account. You may draw as much as you want till the limit of $86,400. Every night, the bank burns up the cash that you have not used or drawn. And you just can't claim it back, no matter how much you plead.

This is time, friends. God has offered us 86,400 seconds to us, everyday. We must utilise every bit of it- because time lost is time lost. We can't take it back even if we want. And the proverb goes correct- "Time and Tide waits for none"

The second way is to be happy, always, no matter what happens. A positive smile is all- it gives your fellow mates a million sparks within them. I believe that the only cheap way to donate sparks is to give your friends a good smile. Try to cheer up your friends who are depressed by giving them a cheap smile which costs you nothing, yet, your friend receives a million sparks. It is a lovely feeling.

The third and the last way, though not the least, is be self-confident. Say to yourself, "Yes, I can!" instead of "Nope, it's a difficult job!". Try once. Trying brings success, and success brings opportunities. Always remember this abbreviation: ABC. No, I am not speaking about the same algebraic A*B*C, rather, I am saying "Always Be Confident". The ABC formula works great, especially when you're depressed and you're alone.

Sparks have great capabilities. It may even bring back a dead mind to the living world. It is closely synonymous to success. I say sparks are the farmers to harvests the exotic fruits of your hard work. Harness it's power and I guarantee you'll be a happier person.

I come from a land of billion sparks, isn't that cool? Be happy and enjoy life, thats the easiest way to earn sparks!

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