Okay, so whats up here?

Hello friends, I am today going to tell you all what is this blog all about. But even before beginning, I would like to say that this is a non-profit action, henceforth, you'll see no ads in my blog. All copyright, every single material of text/picture belongs to me, or, is under a free license, unless where specifically stated.

You must have heard about the IIT's- Indian Institute of Technology, right? Okay, but all the students there, are deep-fried in the great knowledge pan. Some are able to withstand such massive amounts of heat and pressure, some don't. Life converts into a race here- either run fast, or be disqualified. Parents don't give a damn about  feels at those moments, but, from my experience, the IIT's are a area of the strong guys.

The Indian Institute of Students is the initiative that I have taken to lighten student's minds- whether you are a repeater at IIT or you're just a high school kid, this is for everyone. To me the key thing is getting it right. I don't care if it's a roadside boy, or a IIT Student, it's the work that matters.

Again, I'd like to welcome you, every single traffic helps me!
Well, this photo above shows the TechFest going on. I however believe that this should be called "BrainDrain Fest; Open to all" contest. What say??

Meet me at Google+!


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